Our Story

Welcome to Shadow Lights Candles®

My name is Kim, and I have been making candles since 1998. I created Shadow Lights Candles® in 2009.

At the time I was surprised at the lack of quality in candles for the pagan community.

We created our beeswax chimes in order to provide quality spell candles for our customers.

This continues, to this day, to be our best seller.

Our main goal is to provide quality candles at an affordable price, something not very easy to do in this economy.
While we specialize in beeswax you will find we also work with soy and paraffin waxes as well. This is so you, our valued customer, have a choice in your purchases.
Our candles are hand poured and our reversal candles are hand dipped. Try us out you will love our commitment to quality!

Also please note Shadow Lights Candles IS a REGISTERED TRADEMARK.